Feb 29Liked by Jen Zug

I really can't wait to see Dune. My husband just watched the first of the recent 2 and I think we may see the 2nd one this weekend because all we have planned is packing for our trip to Clearwater which is next Friday. I'd like to focus on that but a few hours for a movie break is always great.

Thanks for writing. Xoxo ♥️

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I hope you are on the path to recovery. My cold / flu / whatever just won’t quit me. And it’s making me want to nap as well.

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Feb 29Liked by Jen Zug

I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. :).

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Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you are back to par soon! Enjoyed this post. 💛

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Hi Jen, so glad to hear you are feeling better. I did get the flu shot the last couple of years, and amazingly, didn't get the flu. Last year I did get a bad cold, but still. Sorry to say I am not a Dune fan. Maybe I should give it a go?

I loved this essay about going out on a date with a friend and meeting new people. I am very much fearful of new things but yet try to make myself do them anyway (well, sometimes), and then of course have the time of my life. Duh. And meeting new people when out on a friend date sounds like a wonderful experience. You expressed the joy and characters of the evening very well! I was right there with you. I hope you found more community tables!

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This sounds like the best dinner ever! I live in Seattle so I’m curious what restaurant you were at.

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Glad you are feeling better! The insecurity of being a SAHM is so real, I'm still getting over it. I'm going to play the Dune podcast for my kids, they are obsessed.

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A community table sounds like my worst nightmare - but also, I’m willing to imagine it’s not as bad as my worst fears 😆 your story was so sweet.

I loved Dune 1 (never read the books) but I’m working through the graphic novel this week and plan to see the second in theater - probably by myself as my spouse does not do sci fi 🤣

I listened to a bit of one of your episodes and it warmed my heart to hear your whole family together - what a special thing to have and listen back on as your kids grow 💓

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So glad you're feeling better, Jen! 'Dining with Strangers' - hilarious, brilliant and SO relatable! A terrific post.

I'm behind on my own Substack reading, too, and am delighting in the small stack of Pretend You're Good At It posts which is on my screen right now for my attention at last! Thank you, as always, for giving me such great things to read!

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Hi. A new fan of yours and mid-binge on your writing here. Commenting to let you know I absolutely love your voice and your words. Also, while nowhere near as huge an accomplishment as mothering, you are LITERALLY A WORKING WRITER!!! I am “only” 26, which does not feel so “only” currently, though I too have a brain that lets me know it is indeed still young, but I mean to say I think I understand the shame/embarrassment bit all too well. We never look the same to ourselves. Just so u know, if I met you at a community dinner table and discovered u were a writer with a successful Substack newsletter to show for it and also a beautiful daughter with the coolest arm tattoo ever (just read your post for her 21st— I meant it when I said I’m mid-binge!!!!!) I’d immediately group up into a camp of too- smart, too-accomplished, Cool and High-Value Strangers out there doing Cool and High-Value things. But you know that!

Anyway, just thought I’d let u know that somewhere out there is a stranger who is both idealizing and idolizing the shit of you, and hopes that I too will one day be in a city somewhere with a good view and good people to invite over and enjoy it with.

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