Mar 1, 2023Liked by Jen Zug

Your side comment had me laugh aloud. The descriptor of ‘organizing chaos’ is in A Little About Me section of my resume. I love operations and problem solving, and consider myself a generalist. I’m a passionate gardener, and I, too, love to write. As I get to know you more in this space, I’m feeling a bit cloned.

I look forward to your thoughts each week. Thought leader? Perhaps so.

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LOL I love the "cloning" idea -- I usually say Sister from Another Mister for that phenomenon. 😂😂😂. My friend Melanie -- who never comments, by the way, but sends me emails about my posts, which I love but also she is a fabulous person you should all know -- she and I live parallel lives and it's weird, like we're twins separated at birth.

Anyway, everyone say hi to Melanie! 👋

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Hi, Melanie!

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Thanks for the reco on “Range” - I’ll give it a whirl. Totally relate to all of this with the exception of I’m not sure I like super mess. I need some cleanup prior. I like solving a puzzle and setting things up. I like heavy collaboration. I always use the word “multi hyphenate “ to describe my own patchwork quilt career based on TED talk from Emilie Wapnick. And I’m still taking swings. Imposter syndrome I felt heavily at one pivot in my career at one job but not generally anymore. A lot of our own response to our surroundings is the key narrative in our heads but culture makes a huge difference too. Are people listening to us finish a sentence or interrupting? Are they talking over us? What are cues that are saying “nope not listening” I’ve experienced my fair share of this.

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I feel like "Imposter Syndrome" is due for a new definition. Because an imposter is "a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others" and when I read about your work travels, I hear someone who couldn't/wouldn't/shan't ever pretend or deceive.

I've sat across the table from fancy-soundin' folks who worked in the same job for decades—and they know they have to appear fancy in order to keep fooling everybody. I think they're the real imposters.

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You’re right in that I tend to always present my authentic self. I think the “syndrome” part is what flips it to a self-perception of impostering.

But your comment makes me think about how I, as a 51 year old GenXer, grew up around the edges of the previous generation’s career longevity. They went to college and stayed in the same career and then retired. My parents were both like that, and I can think of a lot of other people in my life who were like that.

That’s part of it, too, i think.

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Being a generalist and "doing what needs to be done" is becoming a greater and greater asset these days--I think of myself in the same way, and this piece really resonates with me (I love your humor too).

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Thoroughly enjoyed.

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I’d never heard the term hard pants until just now. FWIW, I only own one pair (not including work uniform pants). Otherwise it’s cargo shorts and track pants. Real fashion forward stuff. Lol.

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omg I love when I get to introduce new people to the term "hard pants"!! I find that even if somebody has never heard it, they immediately know what it means!

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I’m on a mission to work it into as many conversations as I can. Lol.

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Loved this post! I’m a generalist who finally fell I to a career in IT security, and I love nearly every second of it because I get to dig into data, appt anomalies, steer the ship and direct the crew through the storms, problem solve, and clean up all the messes! In addition to that, I also write, run an event venue, and help my adult children navigate stuff like drug addiction, buying a car, getting married, having kids, having more kids, and budgeting. Jane of all trades over here.

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I actually pitched myself as a "jane of all trades" in the newspaper classifieds (dating myself) when I was looking for work in my 20s!

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