Thanks for this, Jen! It was relatable on, well, a LOT of levels. Maybe it was years of being a union rep, but the word “discipline” doesn’t sit well with me either. Maybe it’s a cheap rationalization, but I’ve found replacing it with “structure” and “guardrails” has helped… and I absolutely need both to keep on track.

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Glad I’m not the only one! Those are good substitutes.

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Sep 4Liked by Jen Zug

I am looking forward to your ADHD journey...so much of what you wrote resonates with me!!

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I’m so glad!

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So relatable and I appreciate the reframe of discipline as NOT punishment. I’ve struggled with self perception around the word “lazy” as a child when I was overwhelmed by school even though as a middle schooler and high schooler I got nearly perfect grades. It was constant burn out which has stayed with me as a way of working and “discipline” - discipline is showing up for the things you value even on the days you don’t want to (butchering a Julius Erving quote but you get it) Looking forward to seeing this series unfold.

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Lazy is a common description of kids with undiagnosed Inattentive ADHD!

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This! “I see now that your trust in me doesn’t come from my showing up in your inbox every Wednesday morning by 7am, but in showing up as my authentic self every time you see me.” Thank you, and looking forward to the series.

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Sep 4Liked by Jen Zug

Wow, this is so beautiful, a brilliant set of insights and a reset bursting with the newness of back-to-school energy! Thank you for bringing us along. Heart-ing, valuing, aligning, inevitable re-aligning, sharing, nourishing all around. We're feeding each other and we're on the move together.

I'm not a big tv watcher but I really appreciate and am looking forward to your new framework of writing within a season - an overview with episodes, a map with planned (and maybe unplanned) stopovers. Road trip!

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I like the back-to-school connection! I didn’t intentionally plan it that way, but it works!

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Sep 4Liked by Jen Zug

I am so excited about this series! Thank you for being open and vulnerable with all of us, strangers and not strangers. 😊 I will definitely be rethinking how I view "discipline".

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Grateful to Amanda for the “discipline” re-think!

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Isn’t it magical when we rethink what words mean to us? It has me curious where else I have ideas about what something means that doesn’t serve me well. Thank you for sharing this - I look forward to the rest of this series!

The reframing of discipline reminds me of consistent vs persistent - coming back to it with intention is the key, not doing it rigidly and with force.

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I really like the persistent vs consistent—another good one to ponder!

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As someone already said, THIS: " I see now that your trust in me doesn’t come from my showing up in your inbox every Wednesday morning by 7am, but in showing up as my authentic self every time you see me." I don't have a diagnosis, but neurodiversity runs all through my family, and work was always a struggle for me. I could do it well, but I finally realized that I was working much harder at it than other people were to get the same results. I'm so looking forward to your series! I also started my Substack with intentions to post weekly at a consistent time--I managed to that for a whole year with an earlier blog--but I just can't. Not right now, anyway. And, yeah: I've decided that's totally OK! I'm much more into writers who share only when they have something good to share. Probably because my particular brain can't track what day of the week I'm supposed to look for my favorite writers! When they pop up in my inbox, it's always a happy surprise. :-)

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“I finally realized that I was working much harder at it than other people were to get the same results.” 👈🏻 This was huge for me too. I write about this exact thing in a future installment.

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Sep 4Liked by Jen Zug

This was so helpful! As a midlife person who was diagnosed with ADHD, it’s great to find other women who have similar life stories.

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Yes! And I think for us mid-lifers especially, the hormonal fluctuations of perimenopause play a huge role in exacerbating symptoms.

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Oh gosh. Similar discoveries are afoot around me right now, Jen, and dealing with how to 'overcome a lifetime of fraudy feelings' sums up everything I'm feeling.

My answer to your poll (which doesn't fit into one of the options, sorry) is that although if I'm out and about I will occasionally scan-read posts in my e-mail program on my phone, I do all of my 'proper' reading on the Substack website on my computer, so that I can use a keyboard to comment properly without tripping over my thumbs. 😁

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Oh good point re the app vs website—thanks for calling that out. I think for my purposes, I’ll count yours as an email/app combo. I’m mostly curious about the % of people engaging with email-specific formatting.

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I enjoyed this post, Jen. You share wisdom that we can all use, so thank you. I was planning on taking a break this week after my 10-part series, and you have made me feel very confident to do so. Thanks for that!

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Thank YOU for the kind words! Guilt free breaks for the win!

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The sweater/wall combo makes for a perfect fall picture indeed :)

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Right? I couldn’t resist a selfie (or twenty 😂)

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I think I needed to hear this today. I always flex for freedom and unstructured planning, and discipline does often feel like punishment (perhaps because of language around it within churches during my growing up years? Because "just be disciplined" was a common solution to any ill in my family?). When I do engage in commitment to a regular "practice" (which is my preferred word instead of discipline), I find I sometimes have more freedom, but it often feels counterintuitive. Thanks for writing, Jen! I like the idea of seasonal work, too, it always helps me to have an end in view.

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I like your use of the word "practice!"

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We just got 5 pies out of 40 cups! (With some yield/quality subtraction)

And... Big yes to authenticity over schedule.

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Yay for pies!

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Sep 6Liked by Jen Zug

Love this and looking forward to all you have outlined that is blooming forth! Can't wait, but I will be patient for your unfolding!

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Thank you!!

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Gah, love that reframe so much💞

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Meeeee tooooo! Thankful for Amanda's insights.

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