Congratulations, Jen - 20,000 words seems like a lot to me! I hope the workshop retreat goes well.

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Thank you! You gave me some good ideas for editing and revising and I remember using these tools in college to get from draft 1 to draft 4 to 8th and final drafts of 20 page essays ! Appreciate the reminders! And best of luck moving forward to you, you're doing great. 👍

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You kept showing up! A writers retreat sounds like utopia. Hope you get exactly what you need out of it

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Jen, I love everything about this post, including the photographs. You lay bare the tension between the "emotional" side of writing (the angst, the worry, the elation) and the "workmanlike" necessity of laying the pages out on the floor and using stickies and notes to chart what needs to be done. We believe you when you suggest there's no need for guilt, only celebration as you move towards a completed draft. Thank you!

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Timing is made to be broken. We're human and goals and timelines are a great guide to keeping us motivated and organized, but we also have to be willing to give ourselves grace when we don't stay on track (I'm really giving this advice to myself more than anyone else, lol.) All that matters is that you keep going, whatever the pace. Thanks for continuing to show up for your art.

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I love this so much! 20,000 words STFU that’s such progress, the photo montage made my heart melt. How did they grow up so fast. I hope the cabin and retreat inspire you to come back and lick that rough drafts ass and finish your book like the bad ass woman I know and love.

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Jen, you're AWESOME. Loved everything you had to say here - and I hope you're having an awesome time on the writing retreat.

I'm sidestepping for a moment here to look at the word 'retreat' in another context - I love to be writing as much as I can, but sometimes retreating FROM my writing is the best step I can take. That makes me feel a lot better about my own writing journey!


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Jen, Congrats on 20,000 words. That's an awesome accomplishment! It's fun to follow your journey. And from someone who's published a book (hopefully more coming) I must take exception to your comment "I kept showing up, but it didn’t matter." Showing up even when there is no discernible progress is what in the end will help you accomplish your dream. In your next progress review with "your boss" I'd ask her for a raise and negotiate in some sick leave. Everyone needs a break when they are ill. Cheers to your upcoming book! 💛

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"If you have a story about not reaching a goal and how you worked through that..."

It's a long list. how much time have we got? lol.

Seriously though, 20k is a huge benchmark. Nice work! You're further along than most people, even if it doesn't feel like it.

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