I got my coke bottle glasses in 6th grade and the very first thing I noticed was the leaves on the trees. LASIK is life changing but I think you may already know that😉Glad you are seeing a little clearer these days and feeling better! Happy new year!

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Coke bottle glasses is what I've always called them, too!

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I had the same aha moment I can see with cherry blossoms in 8th grade. They went from pink blobs to individual flowers. magical.

LASIK - if you are still considering what if you tried one eye first? That way you have a backup and if all goes well you could do two. I am also not doing LASIK I was close at one point but my eyes are the types that take 5 days to heal and when the kids were young and I was working full-time it didn’t seem manageable. Now I like wearing glasses and I have other priorities. 🤓

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I finally asked my doctor about it last year and he said my eyes are to the point where they are changing rapidly with age and the surgery wouldn't hold for very long anyway. Plus I would have to wear readers anyway. *shrug emoji* I don't mind.

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Excellent! 🥰

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First, I'm glad you're healed (or healing) up!

Also: I waited too long to get glasses. Like, years too long. And I won't get LASIK because like you, I'm convinced it'll all go wrong and have some sort of Twilight Zone-ish ending. Great minds think alike?

Of your books/movies list, the only one I've seen is The Royal Tenenbaums.

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haha paranoid active imaginators unite!

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What kind of books do you like? "The Only Good Indian" is a great horror story in the vein of Stephen King, if you like that sort of thing.

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Mostly non-fiction (music, soccer, aviation),though I’ve committed to mixing that up a little bit this year.

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I also got my glasses in second grade and remember that astonishing drive back home noticing leaves. Also not getting LASIK because of disaster scenarios (and a sister who regrets it since she now needs drops for dry eye, and readers anyway.) Glad God is showing off for you in healing ways.

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See? All my fears are validated. 😂

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Yeah, I was going to say that if you are over the age of 45, getting LASIK is kind of a waste as it will only be good for a couple years until you need glasses again.

I had glasses at age 3 as I developed wandering eyes at age 2 and had to have surgery to tighten the muscles. Not sure why that meant I was nearsighted but apparently I was.

I was fitted for custom scleral lenses (contacts) a couple years ago and the process is especially sci-fi. They take a mold of your eyeball with bright blue putty that has to stay on for 30 seconds to get a complete and accurate shape. They had to retry it more than 25 times. I can’t believe I haven’t written a post about it yet! We will see what Earworm will inspire that story (with photos!).

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I finished “Weather Girl” and enjoyed it but I will read any and every romance book pretty much. Liked the “Seven husbands” book yoo. I just finished a few Colleen Hoover (BookTok fame) novels and the theme of abuse mixed with hopeful romance was a schlocky but kept me relatively engrossed. I also got LASIK a few years ago (I was close to legally blind before) and could see the next day and had a hiccup free month of healing and recovery after. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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I'm glad, and amazed, that your eyeball fixed itself. God is good. And I always appreciate your reading/watching lists. And I wanna hear about the new job!

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O.M.G. Now I am convinced we were separated at birth...well, except you’re slightly older so that math doesn’t quite work. I also got Strawberry Shortcake glasses in 2nd grade! I debated LASIK for a while but just didn’t want to spend the money on it even though I’m also blind (for reference, my current contacts are -5.00 and -5.50, and that’s with my doctor backing down the strength the last few times I’ve gone so I don’t have to wear those special contact for astigmatism). Even without LASIK I’ve been dealing with dry eyes for a few years--the worst!

Happy to hear your had a “miracle moment.” I totally think the eye regeneration in 4 days is miraculous--very cool! Sometimes we just have to let something sink in to really get how far-fetched it would sound if we weren’t actually living it.

Just finished Ginny & Georgia on Netflix. Totally not my usual watch, but I’m glad I did. It shows how multi-faceted we humans can be--and how morally ambiguous life can seem sometimes.

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