Jul 4Liked by Jen Zug

To me you are just right. Thank you for writing with such clarity on this gnarly topic.

I turned on the news today. I usually only watch news when there are election results, a big event or a debate. I am very concerned.

Things are not trending in the right direction. The foundation of our imperfection country are still there. I want to do something to help. I can still celebrate though. I am a forever optimist.

This year I am donating to Field Team 6, a partisan voter registration organization. They register Democrats in battle ground states with the goal of saving the world. If you are looking at a place to rage donate, I highly recommend it.

If you can’t celebrate the country tomorrow, perhaps focus on celebrating your amazing community and family. ❤️

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It’s rough out here, Jen. Your position resonates with me a lot. Having identified as a Liberal Democrat for so long this isn’t a privilege I have any longer. Election day here in the UK today and I’ll be damned if we have to live through another (up to) 5 years of conservative government. One must side with the guys that can actually win.

What a depressing state of events overall huh 🥲I want the luxury of voting for things that I WANT not just voting against things that will destroy earth and humanity 🤦‍♀️

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Jul 4Liked by Jen Zug

It's as though we are moving backwards.....

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I have gnawing anxiety deep in my solar plexus most of the time. It only goes away when I'm out on a trail in the ancient forest, where I can breathe deeply, where I remember that wild places have survived cataclysms for eons. The world is a wild, cataclysmic place right now. Thank you for your words, Jen. One thing is for sure: we are not alone in our fear and outrage; we are not an island.

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I've honestly felt this way on the fourth for most of my life, we are a very flawed nation. This year it's even worse, I am so scared for the future. I am choosing to skip any official 4th festivities and spend the day with some of my favorite people instead. Then I am heading into the woods for a few days to connect with nature. Anyway, I am right here with you, Jen. I still don't understand why we aren't rioting in the streets this week. ugh, what a mess.

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"Only sharks and bottom feeders" - UGHHH I feel this in my bones. I'm also listless, and so wishing we could get this country in a place where we could debate (vs argue) with science-based, peer-reviewed information. Where are the educated, good-hearted people? It's so discouraging...

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I feel like this country is like the Titanic and we are headed for the icebergs and our best hope is to find our way onto a raft and pray that a ship from Canada or Portugal or New Zealand will come and rescue us. But in the meantime I will try and avoid the “news” and listen/read Maria Popova and Tara Brach and other smart, empathetic individuals who remind me of the greatness and inspiration of many people of the world.

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Jul 4Liked by Jen Zug

You nailed it!

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Jul 4Liked by Jen Zug

Bottom feeders unite!

Rev. Dr. William Barber gets it straight up. If the “working class” (a term invented to delineate between poor Blacks and poor Whites) would wake up and see they could present a united front and rule every election for the common good, it would be profoundly powerful.

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Jul 4Liked by Jen Zug

I feel everything you said. I’m trying to focus on loving the people around me to combat the constant sense of dread.

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Jul 5Liked by Jen Zug

I agree with everything you said, Jen!

there is so much to unpack and comment on, but I'm going to address the topic of religion/faith

I have stopped referring to myself as a 'Christian' because too many people automatically think that means that i am completely onboard with the MAGA agenda of "Make America a White Christian nation where women and POCs are less than second class citizens"

nothing could be further from the truth.

Instead, I choose to identify as a follower of Jesus. I believe He would be truly appalled at what people are doing in His name.

One of the scariest things is that people I know who I would have said love Jesus are totally on board with this crazy agenda because they say that Trump is going to bring Christianity to America again. ummmm, I'm pretty sure it never left. This country was formed as a republic to permit ALL religious beliefs, as well a complete lack of them. The government has no right to impose morality on us based on any set of rules as set out in a religious text, be it the Bible, Quran, or anything else. we are NOT a theocracy.

on a side note, Trump is only paying lip service to Christianity and it's sad that the evangelicals don't get it.

Whatever happened to believing what a person is by their actions, not their words?

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Jul 7Liked by Jen Zug

How many years did the "'Merica that's Gone" exist?

What sustained it for that period?

Wouldn't it be cool if none of the private or religious philanthropic organizations took money/grants/favors from the governments, and in turn, they remained free to spend their money on supporting whomever they want?

Wouldn't it be great if people were not ever forced to buy a product that they don't want?

What worries most people is that the "other side" will exercise the ever increasing administrative state powers as they see fit.

Perhaps shrinking the administrative state would allay those fears.

The great divide among people is largely engineered by controlled news feeds, similar to those used to stimulate people to get enthused about the next "conflict" or war.

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Thanks for this. I can relate to everything you wrote here. There's nothing funny about this, but I guess I turn to humor when all else is failing. Remember the movie Airplane, the pilot who keeps making the comments "I guess I picked the wrong time to quit smoking"? I could hear his voice in my head when I read this, thinking, "I guess I won't be shopping at Tractor Supply any longer."

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