So sorry you guys are going through this! Very scary.

A good friend of mine was recently diagnosed with such a rare autoimmune disease he's like one of 8 people in the world to have it. They live in Australia and came of visit the other week, and they told me about it and kept joking and saying: at least we can now spend Tim's money instead of saving up for retirement... and when they left I was like omg they weren't joking 👀

They've got a second baby on the way right now. Humour is the only way.

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Hi Jen and Bryan,

I'm thinking and praying for you, as you go through 'parts unkown'.

My father had colon cancer at age 55, picked up on what they used back then.. a sigmoidoscopy. They got it early and he is still kicking at age 84! He had a minor surgery back then.

I'm hoping this is the only little bugger they find in Bryans colon.

Thinking of you,


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Thank you, friend. This is encouraging!

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Jen Zug

Not to dissuade from your dark humor phase, but I’m thinking of you both. Prayers for a speedy month and full recovery.

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Thinking and praying for you all! Dark humor phase of acceptance is one of my favorite stages. At least we can laugh, thank goodness, and that anchors me for the times it’s harder.

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Oh gosh, sending strength to you both. Kudos for the 'dark humor phase of acceptance'. ⭐️ I think that'll stand you in very good stead!

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That’s what I’m hoping!

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(I don't know why that word just popped into my head - I've never heard it before. 🤔 I'm gifting it to you both for unlimited use for 'dark humor' purposes!)

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Sending good juju and prayers for you all as you sit in the messy middle between the biopsy and the plan. Also a fan of dark humor in trying times....

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Thanks, Julie.

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I ditto all the others who are thinking and sending metta (loving kindness) to you both. And of maintaining the dark humor, which is another form of medicine IMHO.

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Thank you, Steve.

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Hey Jen,

This is tough news for you all to hold. That in between space is scary in itself. We'll be thinking of you all. Let us know if you need anything.


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Thanks, Mollie.

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Thinking of you. Thanks for sharing this and helping to surface the importance of getting a colonoscopy. Prayers for your husband!

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Yes! And thank you.

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I’m so sorry to hear this Sharon. I’m glad they caught it early. Keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers 🙏🏼

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Sending all the energy I got from out here in the heartland! And dark humor is one of the best medicines known to man.

P.S. Speaking of humor, “Schrödinger’s Polyp”might be the first Substack title to make me laugh out loud.

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LOL that's awesome, and I told Bryan you made him laugh.

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Oh Jen! I’m just catching up. What a bit of news to whomp the air right out of you, right?! Going to check out Bryan’s ‘stack now and will be praying during this space between.

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Thinking about you guys, and praying for you.

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