
Love this list, Kim! I thought of a couple movies I watched a long time ago that I want to revisit: Scrooged (Bill Murray) and Bad Santa (Billy Bob Thornton). Have you seen those?

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I have not seen Bad Santa—I'm kind of whatever the opposite of being a Billy Bob Thornton fan... an anti-fan?

As for Scrooged... not my favorite telling of A Christmas Carol... it might actually be my least favorite. I just feel like they gutted the potency of the story—I don't feel like any of Murray's reactions to past/present/future Christmases are convincing enough to make me believe he was changing.

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Solid list! I love A Charlie Brown Christmas and it would be at the top of my list. Also, Trading Places has always felt like a Christmas movie to me.

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I’ve never seen Trading Places on a Christmas list, but I think I agree!

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