Thanks for the shoutout Jen! I will need to add your TV recos to my list. Some overlap though!

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Jun 12Liked by Jen Zug

"He puts it by the graveyard to gift the folks buried there with a day at the beach."

That is awesome.

The cemetery where my parents are has very few restrictions on grave adornments. It's amazing to go by at night and see so many solar torches illuminated, tiny diamonds of light spread across the expanse. The ground slopes up a little bit from the street and for a moment I sometimes imagine I'm in a plane looking far down at the tiny lights of houses and roads and towns.

Good luck moving through your busy times! Hectic shouldn't be the new normal for the summer, but here we are....

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Thank you! Yes, the solar torches we see in the cemetery across the street are lovely.

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I love the visual of the hedges framing your view like you’re watching a real timeFairytale! This is such a cool story. I immediately thought Blair, which project or True Detective as well but his story is so sweet, I’m choosing to believe that. Just finished Hacks. So good!.

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I love this season of Hacks (haven't finished it yet). These days my picture frame view is a little hampered by all the cars parked along the graveyard side of the street because of the new development that went up next door. :(

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What a great post. I would totally be all over something like this. But alas, it does sound as if it's just a lovely little tribute to those buried in the cemetery.

Take whatever time you need while work is so demanding. We'll be here when you slow down.

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Thank you!

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Jun 12Liked by Jen Zug

Fun post! Maybe the twigs represent all the why question a person is asking. Putting it out into the universe type thing. Or maybe it isn’t a y but a greater than sign, to reminder folks you are greater than you know. Or maybe it is a way to find well water and if there is no well water there they leave the sticks behind so they don’t repeat a place.

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Ooooo a water sign sounds interesting!

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Yeah, the explanation Bryan got seems totally sus. Definitely witchcraft (warlockcraft?)

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LOL *YOU* get it!

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I LOVE a good neighborhood mystery! Here in south Seattle we had mysterious piles of garlic left all over Beacon Hill. What can it mean??!?!!

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omg I would love that. Like, heads of garlic or cloves? Somebody's keeping the vampires away! :)

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I love this story, and the guys explanation is so heartwarming. Even the symbol “like elk running free” seems so moving to me in this moment. I’d probably be more suspicious though if I saw it out my window 😆

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It was a reasonable explanation, but it's more fun to make up a mystery. ;)

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"What are you watching these days?"

I am watching the entire run of 'Dallas.' That's both something I never thought I'd be doing or a sentence I saw myself writing. Just finished Season 6 earlier today.

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Oh wow, I LOVED that show as a kid! Much to my mother's displeasure, my dad let me watch that show when I was at his house. Who shot JR?! Would be fun to watch it again.

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Not only can I tell you who shot JR, I can draw a straight line from that to Christopher's appearance on the show. IOW, my brain is now lousy with 70s TV plot lines. lol.

In all seriousness, it's wild to watch through a 2024 lens. So many things that have changed...and so many have not.

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Your posts always make me laugh. This has been a true Juneuary day down here in Centralia. My sister says it needed to be on meds (rainsunrainsunrainsun). Now rest from these posts; we'll be right here when things calm down and you return.

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Thank you! And agreed... so ready for JUNEuary to be over.

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Firstly: 'June-uary' - LOL!

Secondly: *wipes tears from eyes* THAT IS BEAUTIFUL, to gift a day at the beach to the people in the graveyard.

I remember when I was a child I read a book about signs, and the art of leaving a 'patteran' at every junction so those following you (assuming you want them to be following you, of course!) can see which way you went. Pebbles or sticks in certain configurations. I tried it with my cousins, and to this day I wonder if our actions that day are responsible for my getting lost literally anywhere.... 😉

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